Corey Moranis is a Canadian jewelry and accessories designer with a whimsical style and essence about her. You can feel the passion and excitement in her interview when she is talking about her life and creations. It was a pleasure to get to know a little bit about her life and her love affair with Lucite.
Alexis: Where did you grow up?
Corey: I grew up in Toronto. I love it there because it's a big city but it can feel very cozy.
What do you like to collect?
Most of the things I collect are handmade. I collect art, objects, clothing and accessories. I love things with color, pattern, texture and sparkle. My collected pieces are sentimental and directly tied to memories. I really love how objects can remind us of people we love, place we've visited or a special experience.
Did you always know that you were going to work with jewelry or did something shift for you at some point?
I have always loved art and fashion, but I only got serious about making jewelry a few years ago. My background is all over the place creatively speaking. I studied Science in University, and then worked as a baker for a while after graduating. I was channeling all my creativity into making these wild cakes inspired clothing and textiles, which you can still find pictures of if you deep dive the internet. At some point, I decided to follow my true "passion for fashion" (lol), and attend OCAD University to study textiles. While there, I discovered the Plastics Studio. What pulled me into jewelry was my immediate fascination with Lucite. I started experimenting and was completely mesmerized with the material and how it interacts with light. I also love how it's there and not there at the same time. I wanted to find ways to make it wearable and that's how I started making jewelry :)
It seems like Lucite is your dream material, could you ever see yourself working so closely with a different medium?
I wonder the same thing from time to time. Lucite is an absolute dream to behold, but it can be a nightmare to work with! There are other mediums that I'm drawn to, and I'm excited to expand my work to include some eventually :)
What is the best advice you've ever received from someone?
I love Ru Paul :) So the first thing that comes to mind is, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else? Amen!" Some other great advice I received over the years is don't be afraid to ask for help and to follow your gut! and keeeeeep goinggg!
What is something that you are looking forward to this year?
I'm excited to set up my new studio in Toronto. I have been working from home the last two years and it's been really tough to separate work from my personal life. I am happy to have some mental and physical separation. I hope it leads to more balance and more interesting outfits, since I'll be leaving the house more... lol!
What are you currently intrigued with? It can be a style, a place, a song, anything really....
Lots of my friends are having babies and I'm OBSESSED. I love playing with kids and looking at the world through their eyes. It's really fun :)
For more of Corey's creations visit @coreymoranis & here at Beklina.